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Pink Blossom

Parent Newsletters 


August 2024

Welcome to another edition of our newsletter! As we step into the warmer months, we have plenty of updates and resources to share with you.  If you love working with children, or even if you simply enjoy spending time with your own little ones, we have some fantastic opportunities available!  In this issue, you’ll also find a fun psyllium slime recipe perfect for sensory play, a new book recommendation to help navigate challenging behaviours, important updates on our policies and some guidance on navigating the NDIS for families with children newly diagnosed with autism.  Plus, don’t miss out on the great outdoor activity ideas from Nature Play WA to enjoy with your children as the days get brighter.  Let’s make the most of this season together!

June 2024

In the embrace of Mother Earth lies the essence of our being. To care for her is to honour the roots from which we spring and the legacy we leave for generations yet to come.  Teach our children that each footstep upon her soil carries the weight of responsibility; let it tread lightly, mindful of the delicate balance we are entrusted to uphold.  Our connection to land is not merely physical, but spiritual.  Let us teach our children to nurture, protect, and preserve our Earth, for in her sustenance we find our own. 

April 2024

Welcome to the April edition of our Parent newsletter! As we embrace the changing seasons, we are reminded of the profound connections between nature, culture, and education.  Drawing inspiration from the wisdom of Indigenous knowledge systems, we encourage you to explore how the essence of Djeran (Nyoongar), Marrul (Yawuru), Warnka-mageny (Miriwoong) and Kupilya ngarrin (Ngadju) can inform and enrich early childhood play experiences that foster a deeper connection to the natural world and promote holistic learning.  The best way to do this it to make the best of the cooler weather and get outdoors with your children!

January / February 2024

As we step into the warm embrace of January and February, months brimming with the promise of new beginnings and fresh starts, we find ourselves in the first Summer (season of the young).  Brace yourself because the warm weather is really going to be taking hold now.  It’s time to shake off the holiday reverie and ease back into the comforting rhythm of our routines! Welcome back to a year filled with renewed inspiration and educational discoveries!

November / December 2023

In the wonderland of Kambarang, nature throws open its doors, inviting children to dive headfirst into a world of outdoor fun! Picture this: the air is like a fizzy soda, buzzing with the promise of warmer days and the wild call for adventure! Kambarang decks out the scene with a splash of wildflowers and the crunch of leaves under tiny bare feet – Mother Nature’s way of saying, “Let the games begin!”. It’s a season that whispers secrets of growth and change, a perfect backdrop for your children to scamper around while exploring like little nature detectives!

August / September 2023

As the season of Djilba progresses and the temperatures continue to rise, we'll start to see the flower stalks of the balgas emerging in preparation for the coming Kambarang season. September is noted as a transitional time with still cooler weather interspersed with warmer days. Traditionally at this time of year, food sources continued to be grazing animals such as kangaroo and emu, but possum was also hunted. Traditional water sources were replenished and family groups often hunted together. During this season the wattle comes into full bloom, along with lemon myrtle, and this signals the start of the mass blooming in the south-west in particular.

June 2023

June is the first month of Makuru, which is represented by the colour dark blue as it symbolises rain and cold weather. It especially sees the coldest and wettest time of the year in the South West of the state. Traditionally, this was a good time of the year to move back inland from the coast as the winds turned to the west and south bringing the cold weather, rains and occasionally snow on the peaks of the Stirling and Porongurup Ranges. As the waterways and catchments started to fill, people were able to move about their country with ease and their food sources changed from the sea, estuarine and lake foods to those of the land, in particular the grazing animals such as the kangaroo.

March 2023

Did you know that the colour that represents Bunuru (our second Summer) is Red? This denotes the heat and hot weather, and as this is the hottest season with little to no rain and exceptional heat, the colour is very appropriate! This season also showcases spectacular stars shining in the night sky, a beautiful reminder to ‘look up’ in the evenings!

January 2023


The Noongar Season ‘Birak’ (December-January) is represented by the colour red as it symbolises heat, sun and fire. During, Birak season the rain eases and the warm weather really starts to take hold. The afternoons are cooled by the sea breezes from the south west.

Traditionally this was the fire season. An almost clockwork style of easterly winds in the morning and sea breezes in the afternoon meant that this was burning time of the year for Noongar people and they would burn the country in mosaic patterns. There, are several reasons for this, including fuel reduction, increasing the grazing pastures for animals, to aid seed germination and to make it easier to move across the country.

November 2022


November is the last month of Spring in the southern parts of Australia and the start of the rainy season in the tropical north! This is the time for enjoying the warm weather before it gets too hot! Warm days, beautiful beaches and sunny skies, what more could we ask for? Take time to slow down and enjoy this amazing change of season……hibernation is officially over!

July 2022

Makaru is the coldest and wettest time of the year and traditionally this was a good time to move back inland from the coast as the winds turned and brough the cold weather! We hope that those of you in the cooler parts of WA are warmly rugged up and hopefully on the couch with a nice cup of herbal tea reading this newsletter and for those lucky few families up North, we hope you know how envious we are of your cooler (but warmer than here) weather!

March 2022

As we work our way through Autumn it’s important to take time to acknowledge what is going on around you and on how you are feeling. Take some time to switch off your devices and get out into nature. Nature is the best pathway to inner peace….it recharges one’s energy. The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples have an intimate connection to the land, waters and living things. Their values, identity, spirituality, and lifestyles have all been strongly influenced by the environment in which they live. Let’s take the time to connect and find out how we can follow in their footsteps.

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